Self-driving agricultural tractors

Talk about autonomous cars does not stop, and many auto manufacturers are now actively developing these types of technology. Moreover, self-driving trucks have already come into use. At the same time, heavy equipment manufacturers are thinking about autonomous vehicles, with agricultural and construction equipment manufacturer New Holland Agriculture developing self-driving agricultural tractors..

Their NHDrive concept tractor looks like a regular blue farm tractor, but it’s actually a fully autonomous machine that can be driven from multiple locations. For example, a farmer may be in one field, and his tractor will be working in another field at the same time..

The tractor moves around the farm along a predetermined path. Controlled using a computer or tablet. As soon as the vehicle reaches its destination, it either begins to perform its task, or works as part of a convoy on command.

The tractor broadcasts video (four cameras in real time transmit front and rear views to the user’s tablet) and can also transmit information from key elements of the machine (engine speed, fuel level, seeding rate, etc.)

The autonomous tractor is capable of autonomously sowing crops by following the combine, New Holland said. There is also a reduction in the risks that are usually associated with human error..

The New Holland concept tractor was presented at the Farm Progress Show last summer..