
Sgraffito in translation from Italian into Russian means scratched out. This is a type of plaster that is a pattern scratched onto a thin top layer of specially applied colored plaster until the layer below becomes visible. This drawing technique was used by ancient Greek masters. And later they began to design sgraffito as wall decor..

Plaster application is carried out in several steps: preparation of the base, application of primer, preparatory color and top coat color layer. and then the contour is applied, after which they begin to scratch out the drawing itself.

As soon as the soil dries up a little, a finishing colored layer is applied to the wall, its thickness should not exceed 7-8 mm. The solution contains a filler, the grain size of which should not be less than 0.15-0.6 mm. After that, a colored coating layer is applied. Here, colored solutions from limestone and sand are used. The middle layers contain a filler, the grain size of which is 0.15-0.6 mm. Before applying the drawing on the wall, first prepare a stencil on waterproof cardboard, which is impregnated with linseed oil.

The contour itself is applied with an awl, and through the holes it is powdered with dust of the required color, thus the pattern is transferred to the upper colored layer. Then, with the help of a special steel tool, a drawing is scratched along the contour. After 5-6 hours after applying the solution, you need to start scratching the drawing on the wall.