
Providing all rooms with heating systems is the most important task. Correctly installed and selected radiators allow you to minimize the cost of generating heat and at the same time create a comfortable environment. There are several types of radiators: cast iron, bimetallic, oil and aluminum. Each of these types has its own disadvantages and advantages. Before purchasing radiators, you need to decide on their main purpose. Cast iron radiators have a long service life, but at the same time they are very heavy and bulky. Cast iron heats up slowly and cools slowly, and a large amount of heat is also absorbed by the metal, which is irrational. Oil coolers dry the air a lot and consume a lot of electricity. By the way, sometimes wall-mounted gas heating boilers are used for heating instead of radiators. 

Bimetallic and aluminum radiators are similar. The former are mainly used in apartment buildings, as they can withstand high pressure loads. Bimetallic radiators are prefabricated, therefore, the possibility of a leak is not excluded. They also cost a little more than aluminum ones and are subject to corrosion, so today aluminum radiators are preferred..

Sectional radiators allow you to accurately calculate the number of sections that is necessary for the optimal combination of heat transfer and economy. Sectional radiators look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing and do not take up much space. With them, your home will always be warm and cozy..