Interview with Eddie Stern: a unique look at personal development and spiritual growth

Eddie Stern, a renowned yoga teacher, author and speaker, offers a new perspective on the path to enlightenment in a recent interview. His approach to learning and teaching, based on deep self-knowledge, offers a unique perspective on personal development and spiritual growth. You can always find out more on

Eddie Stern’s View

In this interview, Eddie Stern shares his views on how we can transcend our daily routine and achieve true understanding of ourselves and the world around us. According to Stern, most people live on autopilot: they eat, sleep, work and take care of everyday tasks without paying attention to the deeper aspects of their lives. This approach can lead to feelings of emptiness and unhappiness, despite external achievements.

Stern offers an alternative path that involves conscious self-reflection and analysis. He believes it is important to ask ourselves three key questions to truly understand what is important to us and how we can find inner fulfillment. These questions will help us look at our lives from a different perspective and realize our true desires and goals. According to Stern, to achieve enlightenment and self-understanding, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is really important to me? — This question helps you determine what is a priority in your life, what brings you joy and satisfaction, and what may only distract you from your true goals;
  • What are my real goals and aspirations? — Understanding your goals and aspirations helps you focus on what really matters and direct your efforts to achieve them;
  • How can I make changes in my life to improve my well-being and inner peace? — This question encourages you to look for ways to improve your life and the world around you, which can lead to deeper satisfaction and harmony.

Eddie Stern emphasizes that self-awareness is a key element on the path to enlightenment.